Archive for December, 2013

PicoSure Laser Treatments – For Tattoo Removal and Clear, Even Skin Tone

Posted on: December 27th, 2013 by L'Arte Della Bellezza

ba_picosure_cynosure_post3tx_sunGetting your boyfriend’s name tattooed on your shoulder seemed like such a great idea at the time, but then again, you really thought you would marry him, didn’t you?

Regretting that tattoo? You’re not alone. Surveys suggest that 17% of those who have tattoos would love to get rid of them. And 11% of those who regret them are already undergoing treatment for removal. Tattoo regret is common. But living with unwanted tattoos doesn’t have to be. And like many who live with unwanted tattoos, there are those who live with BOESER (Beach or Extensive Sun Exposure Regret).

Revitalize your skin and remove unwanted tattoos, hyperpigmentation and brown spots faster than ever with Cynosure’s FDA approved PicoSure laser. With PicoSure laser treatments, say goodbye to unwanted tattoos, freckles, sunspots and large pores, and say hello to even, beautiful skin tone.

ba_picosure_geronemus_post1tx_piglesions2How Does the PicoSure Laser Treatment Work?

According to the Cynosure website:  “PicoSure’s ultra-short pulse duration goes beyond photo thermal action, creating an intense photomechanical impact, patented PressureWave™, resulting in greater disruption of the target for better clearance with fewer treatments, and without injury to the surrounding skin.” Even dark, stubborn blue and green inks, as well as previously treated tattoos can be removed with PicoSure!

Benefits of the PicoSure Tattoo and Pigment Removing Systems

The Picosure laser delivers energy to the tattoo ink in picoseconds, which is a trillionth of a second, compared to other lasers that deliver energy in a nanosecond, or a billionth of a second. The Picosure has a pulse width one hundred times shorter, causing the mechanical shock wave. This effect obliterates the ink into smaller fragments, making it easier for the body to eliminate them away naturally.

This new system is also less painful and less expensive than other tattoo-removal treatments and – get this –there’s no downtime! There’s also less time needed between appointments. Existing lasers require up to eight weeks between sessions, but with PicoSure, it’s only 3-4 weeks! And the best part: only three to four treatments are needed to rid yourself of that unsightly tattoo. Forever!

Costs for PicoSure Laser Treatments

Pricing for tattoo removal averages $500-$1250 per session (depending on the size of the tattoo). And for laser skin resurfacing, prices average $900 to $1250.

So, what are you waiting for? Start the New Year in your new skin!

For more information and to book an appointment, contact us at L’Arte Della Bellezza on 305.648.1936 or read more on our services here.

Travel Beauty Tips to Look Your Best

Posted on: December 3rd, 2013 by L'Arte Della Bellezza

Traveling by plane, bus or car can take a toll on your appearance and let’s face it—it’s critical to look your best during the holidays. Take our advice and check out some of the best beauty tips we found, directed at you, the beauty-conscious traveler!


  • Pack travel size containers. If you can’t find travel size products to replace your favorites, purchase empty containers from your nearest beauty supply store and label them.

  • Moisturize.  If air travel is on the itinerary, apply intense moisturizer the night before you depart. This will increase hydration in your skin before you’re exposed to the dehydrating effects of cabin pressure.

  • Stock up on wet wipes and oil-blotting paper. The wet wipes are great for removing makeup smudges, stains in clothing and refreshing your face and neck. Oil-blotting paper absorbs the excess oil produced during travel, so you stay shine-free.

  • Avoid jet-bloat. According to this article, “jet bloat refers to the body’s increased volume of gas that occurs from airline travel.” To prevent unwanted gas that’ll leave you feeling full and bloated, peruse this list of foods.

  • Forgo the foundation. Skip foundation on the day of your trip, and instead wear only moisturizer. If you refuse to leave the house without some foundation, apply a primer first. Primer will help your foundation last longer and it will keep your skin from becoming dehydrated.



  • Keep your hair tamed. To combat messy hair that’s full of static, tie hair with a scarf.  Not a fan of scarves? Go for a messy bun.

  • Mist with mineral water. To refresh makeup while traveling, use a mister of mineral water and reapply moisturizer. Mineral water helps tone and keep skin fresh.

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  Drink as much water as possible while travelling, and be sure to keep the alcohol and caffeinated beverages to a minimum, as they both tend to dehydrate.

  • Sit up and circulate. Avoid lowering your seat all the way back, as that can cause fluid retention in the eyes and face. And take a stroll when the “fasten seatbelt” sign is off, or when you take a break during the car or bus ride. Standing up and walking around will do wonders for circulation and fluid retention, and it also keeps your skin rosy and “awake.”

  • Apply Visine. Avoid tired, blood-shot eyes by applying a few drops of Visine. Have a pimple? Use it on the blemish to reduce the redness and visibility.



  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water or coconut water, which will boost your electrolytes.

  • Eat right. Snack on nuts in between all the traveling and holiday festivities. Not only will anti-inflammatory fats keep you feeling full and keep your metabolism on track, but the Omega-3 acids will also make your skin glow.

  • Exercise. You may find that your worst jet lag symptoms occur two or three days after you arrive home. To combat jet lag, try to exercise the day you get back, even if it’s a short walk. Read more, here, for some post-travel workouts.


Whether you’re traveling or not, always remember to practice a balanced lifestyle.  Meditating, giving thanks, and committing to only positive thinking are huge in maintaining a healthy life. And don’t forget: real beauty comes from within.

